Congratulations to Matt French, who was granted honorary WSDA membership after 20 years of service to the Association and Washington Dentists' Insurance Agency (WDIA).
Share your dental workforce challenges through the Fall 2022 WA Health Sentinel Survey. Survey results will be shared with key policymakers and other stakeholders to inform the policy development and funding decisions impacting our vital health workforce.
Dental providers are urged to support a November Massachusetts statewide ballot initiative that will require dental insurance carriers to spend at least 83% of premium dollars on patient care rather than on administrative costs, salaries and profits. WSDA recently donated $10,000 the campaign.
WSDA encourages members to submit comments on the Dentist and Dental Hygienist Interstate Compact by Friday, Sept. 30. The Compact would allow dentists and dental hygienists licensed in one Compact member state to more easily obtain licensure in another Compact member state, creating reciprocity among participant states and reducing the barriers to licensure portability and employment.
The Board of Denturists – Special Topics Committee is holding a series of rules workshops to amend the denturist infection control rules (WAC 246-812-501 - Purpose) and to propose new rules for prefabricated implant abutments. The next meeting is Friday, Sept. 23 at 12:00 PM.