The Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) has been working to update our state’s dental anesthesia rules. WSDA has concerns with several sections of the proposed rules. If you share these concerns, please take a brief moment to send a pre-drafted message to DQAC.
Substitute Senate Bill 5496 made clarifying changes to impaired practitioner programs and under this bill, the “Impaired Physician Program” is now referred to as the “Physician Health Program” (PHP).
The Dental Quality Assurance Commission has adopted an interpretive statement regarding the application requirements for moderate sedation with parenteral agents permits.
The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) has begun rulemaking on the accessibility of prescription information for visually impaired individuals and individuals with limited English proficiency.
Refine your dental scrap with the WSDA-endorsed D-MMEX Easyrefine, and receive a standard 5% bonus on the total value of all precious metals submitted. Now through Sept. 30, Easyrefine is adding another 2% bonus, so you receive a total uplift of 7% on the value of the dental scrap you submit.
Skagit County Public Health is looking for at least 2 dentists, 2 assistants, and any possible hygienists that would like to volunteer providing free services to low income and vulnerable community members.
Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency (WDIA) has received many inquiries from TDIC policyholders regarding changes to their TDIC Professional Liability. WDIA wants to be sure that policyholders have correct information about the changes.
This free and downloadable State Well-Being Program Directory provides a list of state contacts to help connect you to support during your time of need.
The Action for Dental Health Act, which provides funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) oral health workforce grant program, will expire at the end of this fiscal year.