Rulemaking is currently in progress to amend the requirements for continuing education, dental examination content, and delegation of COVID-19 screenings.
The Legislature reached an agreement on the $59 billion operating budget for the 2021-23 biennium which includes increased provider reimbursement rates for the adult dental Medicaid program.
The Washington State Secretary of Health has issued an extension on the previous waiver for the requirement for prescriptions for controlled substances and refill authorizations to be communicated electronically to pharmacies.
Starting Oct. 1, 2021, Medicaid providers must check the PMP no more than 10 days prior to prescribing any controlled medication for an Apple Health patient.
The Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) has scheduled a rule hearing for proposed amendments to WAC 246-817-420 Specialty representation, which would clarify dental specialty areas of practice and requirements for those who want to represent themselves as a specialist.
The Department of Health is currently accepting applications for dentist, expanded function dental auxiliary, and public member vacancies on the Dental Quality Assurance Commission. Apply by March 30!
The Department of Health is currently accepting applications for dentist, expanded function dental auxiliary, and public member vacancies on the Dental Quality Assurance Commission. Apply by March 30!
The Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act, legislation that repeals the McCarran-Ferguson antitrust exemption for health insurance companies, became law on Jan. 13.
As of Jan. 1, 2021 the state minimum wage is $13.69 an hour, up from $13.50 an hour in 2020. The increase in minimum wage impacts salary thresholds for overtime exempt employees.
Find a list of upcoming DQAC meeting dates and other information here.
WSDA Committee on Regulatory Affairs
The Committee on Regulatory Affairs focuses on regulatory issues handled by DQAC and other government agencies handling regulatory issues relevant to dentistry.
To inquire about joining the Committee on Regulatory Affairs, members may email WSDA at