Special Needs Directory

The directory below provides a list of dentists who provide dental care to patients with developmental or acquired special needs.

About The Special Needs Directory

In an effort to increase access to dental care for patients with special needs, the Washington State Dental Association and the Departments of Oral Medicine and Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington have collaborated to create a Directory of Dentists who provide care to patients with special needs. This directory provides a partial listing of dentists who treat patients with mild and/or moderate-severe manifestations of a number of different developmental and acquired special needs. The directory was initiated by the DECOD program.

Additional Special Needs Resources

Visit the University of Washington School of Dentistry website to find more resources, including Medical and Dental Fact Sheets about children and adults with special needs.

This directory is not a comprehensive listing of providers and was produced from information voluntarily submitted by each dentist or dental clinic included. Dentists are requested to update their information as needed to insure the most current information is available. We also strongly encourage providers to forward the below survey to colleagues who serve special needs patients so they may be included in this directory as well.

Neither the Washington State Dental Association nor the University of Washington School of Dentistry is liable for incorrect or out of date information provided by a dentist. If there are changes to the directory, or inaccuracies are found, please notify info@wsda.org.