News Items

Share Your Pandemic Experiences for the WSDA News

Aug 12, 2020
WSDA is asking members to share personal and professional reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic for the WSDA News.
In the next issue of WSDA News, we will be taking a closer look at the impact of COVID-19 on the practice of dentistry. We would like our feature to reflect the experiences and opinions of a broad cross-section of our membership. To help us do that, we are hoping members will take a few minutes to answer any of the following questions from their perspectives personally and professionally. 

Please log in here to submit responses by August 18.

Submit Responses


  • In addition to the obvious interruption to practicing dentistry, what were some of the biggest challenges in responding to the coronavirus pandemic?
  • Looking back with what you now know, would you have done anything differently than you did in responding to the virus?
  • What would you say you’ve learned from the experience, and do you plan to change how you practice going forward?
  • Did you have any notable experiences in providing emergency care for patients during the interruption of your regular practice?
  • Did you participate in PPE donations or other forms of charitable support in responding to the virus? If so, please describe.
  • Were there any unexpected benefits to the work break imposed by the virus response?
  • Understanding that the pandemic is not yet behind us, what are your hopes for dentistry’s immediate future?
  • Any other feedback?