2023 Legislative Session Update: Week 10 (March 13-19)

Mar 17, 2023
During week ten, the Legislature returned to Committee to hear and amend bills from the opposite chamber. The Legislature will devote most of their time to Committee work until opposite house policy cutoff on March 29. Read for an update on WSDA’s week ten activities in Olympia.

During week ten, the Legislature returned to Committee to hear and amend bills from the opposite chamber. The Legislature will devote most of their time to Committee work until opposite house policy cutoff on March 29, and below is an update of WSDA’s week ten activities in Olympia.

Update on Legislation from Weeks 1-9 Blogs

Military Spouse Employment (Second Substitute House Bill 1009)

2SHB 1009 establishes that a licensing authority must issue a license or a temporary license to a military spouse within 30 days of receipt of a completed application for licensure. The second substitute defines military spouse as “any person married or previously married to a military service member, irrespective of the length of the marriage, during the military service member's service in any branch of the United States armed forces as an active-duty service member, reservist, or national guard member.” 2SHB 1009 requires certain state agencies, including the Department of Health and Department of Licensing, to establish a military spouse assistance webpage. The bill encourages licensing authorities to review their licensing application process for military spouses, identify barriers to military spouse employment, and appoint a military spouse to serve on their licensing board or commission. Finally, 2SHB 1009 allows a military spouse to terminate an employment contract without penalty after his or her service member spouse receives orders for a permanent change of station.

2SHB 1009 had a public hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on March 13, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [16:58-23:39 and 56:56-1:07:48]. 2SHB 1009 is scheduled for executive session in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on March 20.

2SHB 1009 passed out of the House of Representatives unanimously on Feb. 15, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [14:43-19:25].

WSDA signed in PRO on 2SHB 1009.

Collecting Health Care Professionals' Information at the Time of License Application and License Renewal (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1503)

ESHB 1503 requires applications for licensure or licensure renewal on or after July 1, 2025, to include the applicant’s race, ethnicity, gender, languages spoken, provider specialty (where applicable), primary practice location, and secondary practice location. On March 16, the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee adopted an amendment prohibiting the Department of Health from ever selling information collected about health professionals from license applications or license renewals.

ESHB 1503 passed out of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 16, and executive session can be viewed on TVW [1:41:53-1:42:57].

ESHB 1503 had a public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 14, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [45:20-53:55].

ESHB 1503 passed out of the House of Representatives unanimously – with 4 excused – on March 8, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [10:10-13:58].

ESHB 1503 passed out of the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee unanimously on Feb. 3.

WSDA signed in PRO on ESHB 1503.

Concerning Water Systems' Notice to Customers of Public Health Considerations (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1251)

ESHB 1251 requires a public water system to notify customers and the Department of Health of intentions to start or stop water fluoridation. Further, the bill requires a public water system in violation of the notification requirements to return fluoridation to its prior level until the notification requirements have been satisfied.

ESHB 1251 passed out of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 14, and executive session can be viewed on TVW [1:45:50-1:46:00 and 1:48:53-1:49:17].

ESHB 1251 had a public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 10, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [1:00:15-1:23:55].

ESHB 1251 passed out of the House of Representatives unanimously – with one excused – on Feb. 9, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [6:05-10:55].

Dr. Chris Delecki, former WSDA President, testified in support of SHB 1251 during the bill’s public hearing in the House Local Government Committee on Jan. 24, and Dr. Delecki’s testimony can be viewed on TVW [58:30-1:00:54].

Concerning Dental Hygienists (HB 1287)

HB 1287 removes the requirement for hygienists seeking initial licensure in Washington state to have worked 560 hours over the past 24 consecutive months. This legislation addresses just one of several barriers to licensure.

HB 1287 passed out of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 14, and executive session can be viewed on TVW [1:46:00-1:46:11 and 1:46:37-1:46:58].

WSDA testified in support of HB 1287 during the bill’s public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 9, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [1:20:38-1:22:17].

HB 1287 passed out of the House of Representatives unanimously on Feb. 2, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [25:05-27:35].

WSDA testified in support of HB 1287 during the bill’s public hearing in the House Postsecondary Education & Workforce Committee on Jan. 24, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [28:34-29:41].

Concerning the State's Ability to Regulate Certain Industries and Risk Classes to Prevent Musculoskeletal Injuries and Disorders (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5217)

ESSB 5217 repeals the law prohibiting the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) from adopting rules related to ergonomics or musculoskeletal disorders. The engrossed substitute provides limitations on the adoption of new rules, including allowing rules only for industries or risk classifications where compensable claims involved musculoskeletal injuries and disorders that are at a rate greater than two times the overall state claim rate for these types of injuries and disorders over a recent five-year period. ESSB 5217 requires L&I to identify industries and risk classifications most likely to be selected for rulemaking; review and report certain claims data; and consider certain factors during rulemaking. Lastly, the bill allows L&I to fund certain employers to purchase additional equipment and requires up to three additional ergonomists to provide consultation to certain employers.

ESSB 5217 passed out of the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on March 17, and executive session can be viewed on TVW [7:39-23:33].

ESSB 5217 had a public hearing in the House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee on March 14, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [11:05-25:20 and 31:02-1:04:15].

ESSB 5217 passed out of the Senate – with a vote of 27 yeas, 21 nays, and 1 excused – on March 1, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [1:16:21-2:51:05].

WSDA signed in CON on ESSB 5217.

Concerning Injured Workers’ Rights During Compelled Medical Examinations (Substitute House Bill 1068)

SHB 1068 allows an injured worker to make an audio and video recording of an independent medical examination, and also allows one person of the worker’s choosing to be present during the examination, with the exception that the guest is not the worker’s legal representative. The substitute bill specifies that the worker may not hold the recording equipment while the examination is occurring. In addition, SHB 1068 specifies that the third-party observer may not be an employee of the worker’s legal representative, the worker’s attending provider, or the attending provider’s employee.

SHB 1068 had a public hearing in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on March 14, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [1:20-2:53, 6:42-8:05, and 15:09-1:02:15]. SHB 1068 is scheduled for executive session in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on March 21.

SHB 1068 passed the House of Representatives, with a vote of 65-33 on Feb. 15, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [5:35-14:42].

WSDA signed in CON on SHB 1068.

Faculty in Dental Schools (Senate Bill 5113)

A legislative request from the Department of Health, SB 5113 allows any CODA-accredited dental school in Washington state to request temporary licensure for persons who have accepted faculty employment at the school. The bill also allows dental schools to request limited licensure for postdoctoral students or postdoctoral residents. The current statute is specific to the University of Washington, and SB 5113 would ensure that faculty of the recently established Pacific Northwest University School of Dental Medicine (PNWU), along with future CODA-accredited dental schools, are able to obtain a faculty license.

SB 5113 passed out of the House Post Secondary Education & Workforce Committee with a do pass recommendation on March 17, and executive session can be viewed on TVW [8:00-10:30].

SB 5113 had a public hearing in the House Post Secondary Education & Workforce Committee on March 14, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [14:07-16:20 and 39:08-40:51].

SB 5113 passed the Senate unanimously on Feb. 22, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [1:17:13-1:21:27].

SB 5113 had a public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on Jan 19, and Dr. Fotinos Panagakos, Dean of the School of Dental Medicine at PNWU, testified in support. Dean Panagakos’ testimony can be viewed on TVW [1:03:42-1:06:16]. SB 5113 passed out of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee unanimously on Jan. 24.

WSDA signed in PRO on SB 5113.

Preventing Use of Vapor and Tobacco Products by Minors (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5365)

ESSB 5365 increases the maximum monetary penalties the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) may impose against cigarette and tobacco product retailer licensees and vapor product retailer licensees for violating provisions related to the selling or giving cigarette, tobacco, or vapor products to minors. The engrossed substitute bill limits the provisions when detaining minors to determining their identity, determining their age, and seizing the vapor or tobacco products. Further, this is limited to LCB enforcement officers, not peace officers, and this detainment may only occur within 100 feet or less of a retailer licensee. Lastly, an amendment adopted on the Senate floor modifies the sanctions and fines when a person under 18  purchases or possesses  cigarette, tobacco, or vapor products to participation in up to four hours of community service and referral to a smoking cessation program at no cost to the individual.

ESSB 5365 had a public hearing in the House Regulated Substances & Gaming Committee on March 16, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [0:00-48:10]. ESSB 5365 is scheduled for executive session in the House Regulated Substances & Gaming Committee on March 23.

ESSB 5365 passed out of the Senate – with a vote of 29 yeas, 19 nays, and 1 excused –on Feb. 28, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [2:10:55-2:20:42].

WSDA signed in PRO on ESSB 5365.

Improving Consumer Affordability through the Health Care Cost Transparency Board (Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1508)

ESHB 1508 directs the Health Care Cost Transparency Board (Board) to conduct an annual survey of underinsurance among Washington residents as well as a study of how state tax preferences affect the calculation of total health care expenditures. Further, the bill authorizes the Board to require that payers or health care providers that frequently exceed the health care cost growth benchmark without a reasonable justification submit a performance improvement plan and pay a civil fine unless the health care entity is composed of 25 or fewer health care professionals.

ESHB 1508 had a public hearing in the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on March 17, and testimony can be viewed on TVW [4:25-12:06 and 1:19:34-1:51:35].

ESHB 1508 passed out of the Senate – with a vote of 57 yeas, 38 nays, and 3 excused – on March 6, and floor action can be viewed on TVW [40:37-45:00].

SHB 1508 passed out of the House Appropriations Committee with a do pass recommendation on Feb. 24.

WSDA signed in CON on SHB 1508.

Upcoming Hearings

Three important dental workforce bills are being heard by the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee on Tuesday, March 21 at 8:00 AM. More information on Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1466, Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1576, and Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1678 can be found on the WSDA Blog.


Please contact WSDA at info@wsda.org.