Dental Medicaid

WSDA is committed to keeping our members up to date on the latest news and information involving Washington state's Dental Medicaid program.

COVID-19: HCA has created a web page for COVID-19 information. For Medicaid provider information, scroll down to the "Providers" section.

Latest Medicaid News

Opioid Policy Implementation Date Change

Sep 6, 2019
Please read the following message from the HCA.

You were sent a bulletin on August 30 titled "Updated policy helps combat opioid crisis." In that bulletin we reminded you of an upcoming policy change pertaining to opioid prescriptions for Apple Health (Medicaid) as part of the federal Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) for Patients and Communities Act.

Effective September 4, the implementation date changed from October 1, 2019 to November 1, 2019.

Policy requirements and changes

With the exception of the implementation date, all other requirements listed in the August 30 bulletin are still accurate.

Requirements can be found on HCA's Opioids webpage.  

You will be able to read the full policy on the HCA website beginning November 1, 2019. We will follow up with another reminder at that time.

Online resources available soon

Informational materials about the policy, including an online Q&A for prescribers, pharmacists, pharmacy billers, and clients, will be available on the HCA website early September 2019.

Medicaid Transition to Managed Care Cancelled

The 2019 Legislature has directed the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) to continue to administer the dental Medicaid program through fee-for-service. The HCA may not proceed with a carved-out or carved-in managed care dental option at this time.

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