Dental Medicaid

WSDA is committed to keeping our members up to date on the latest news and information involving Washington state's Dental Medicaid program.

COVID-19: HCA has created a web page for COVID-19 information. For Medicaid provider information, scroll down to the "Providers" section.

Latest Medicaid News

Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD) Billing Guide

Aug 12, 2019
Please read the following message from the HCA: 

Attention Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD) providers:

The Health Care Authority (HCA) revised the Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD) Billing Guide.

What has changed?
Effective for dates of service on and after July 1, 2019, the following CDT codes require prior authorization: D2390, D2929, D2930, and D2933.

HCA added two new expedited prior authorization (EPA) codes, 870001347 and 870001348, which providers may use when the client meets the specific EPA criteria.

For specific details, see the What is Changed table inside the revised guide, dated August 9, 2019. The guide is available on HCA’s Provider billing guides webpage.

Medicaid Transition to Managed Care Cancelled

The 2019 Legislature has directed the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) to continue to administer the dental Medicaid program through fee-for-service. The HCA may not proceed with a carved-out or carved-in managed care dental option at this time.

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