Apple Health Provider Alert: Billing Multiple Units of Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia
Attention Dental Providers:
Retroactive for claims with dates of service on and after March 18, 2019, the Health Care Authority requires providers who bill multiple units of deep sedation/general anesthesia (D9222/D9223) or intravenous moderate (conscious) sedation/analgesia (D9239/D9243) to list the multiple units on one line of a dental claim.
If you are billing for 60 minutes of deep sedation/general anesthesia (D9222/D9223), complete the claim lines as follows:
Claim line one - D9222 1 unit (first 15 minutes)
Claim line two - D9223 3 units (additional 45 minutes)
Retroactive for claims with dates of service on and after March 18, 2019, the Health Care Authority requires providers who bill multiple units of deep sedation/general anesthesia (D9222/D9223) or intravenous moderate (conscious) sedation/analgesia (D9239/D9243) to list the multiple units on one line of a dental claim.
If you are billing for 60 minutes of deep sedation/general anesthesia (D9222/D9223), complete the claim lines as follows:
Claim line one - D9222 1 unit (first 15 minutes)
Claim line two - D9223 3 units (additional 45 minutes)